Steve Andersen brought up the topic that many people trust their subconscious, and I agreed that I trust my subconscious but clarified that it is because I also program my subconscious consciously. I said: "I consciously pre-program my subconscious, so that when I think subconsciously it's already a simple extrapolation of the pre-considered conscious. It's much like what divers do: you practice consciously so that you can do it reflexively."
And Steve mentioned that this may be beyond the ability of most people. I am curious if that is the case. Is it possible that everyone does this without realizing it, or is it something only some people think of doing; and if it is a learned behavior, is it not something everyone can do once they think to do it?
I learned the concept of training
...your body to act reflexively when I studied exercise science (human growth and development, physiology, etc.) many years ago. In short, the purpose of practice in sports is to train the base parts of your body to react reflexively faster than you could consciously think. Understanding this or because of it (I am not sure which came first) I noticed I was doing it a lot for everything mentally. For instance, if I walked into a bar, I would stand at the entrance for a moment, look around, spot the two or three toughest and meanest looking men and think, "What will I do if they charge me." And I would preplan defensive actions that would be most effective and suitable to their size and strength if I had to react suddenly (it happened more often than I'd like to say, so it was second nature to me to do this when I was in my 20's of age). But it was not just physical things for which I noticed I did this. I also did this for anything social or philosophical. I was constantly asking myself, "What would I do if this happens." What if a police offers stops me, what if someone approaches me, what if someone does that other thing. Constantly I role play in my mind scenarios (this has not stopped even decades later) so that if something happens I have already worked out the action I want. Even better, once I decide an action, it becomes part of my "philosophy" and does not need to be re-thought. It literally becomes part of my subconscious.
Yes there are the things that catch me unexpected periodically, like "what happens if I lose sight in my good eye" or whatnot. But then I work that out, and the way I work it out becomes my philosophy for all forms of dealing with loss. I go through life over-analyzing everything consciously so that usually when something really happens I have already dealt with it and can trust my subconscious.See More